Tuesday 18 October 2016

Final Piece (Visual Language)

I created an abstract final piece based on an emotion I chose to convey.

First I used a collage of brown paper onto an A3 piece of cartridge. Then I used a sponge to create a texture and tone with black white and grey. I used this to show sadness as these colours give a sad and serious emotion. Then I used scribbles with pen at the side to represent stress and then I used ink to drip down at the top and sides to resemble a cage. The cage then represents being trapped.
Next I added a few more pieces of brown paper to overlap some of the previous work I did in order to create more of a texture to layer onto.
Next I ripped up the A3 piece of paper and stick them together in a different order. This was to create a jumbled effect and represent feeling broken. I added oil pastel lines and blended it in to represent cracks to show more of the broken emotion.
Next I added more cracks and made them more bold and added a flat line in the middle. This line spikes up at the left, to represent a pulse.
Finally, I added ink drops to represent tears and darkness seeping down.

The piece as a whole has a lot going on to represent a jumbled, stressed emotion of the brain that a person has while going through these various emotions. I feel I did well with the composition, however there could be more tone in the artwork

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