Tuesday 22 November 2016


This piece I felt was successful because I have used a wide range of mediums and it has a creative use of composition. I have also added both aspects of my artists own work as well as my own in this piece. It relates to Debbie Smyth by the use of thread and Guy Denning by the use of rough and rushed lines. It could be improved by thinking more creatively on how I have used the thread in this piece and adding darker tones of brown into it. To do this, I will perhaps look into rusting or use watercolour for different tones. I may also look into the artist Debbie Smyth differently by choosing a different technique of hers to look at, for example her contrast. I feel this has helped me in my final piece because I think I may use a dripping effect and coffee in my own work as an idea. I am proud of this experiment and it has given me new ideas which I will look into.

This piece I feel was less successful than the first because the mediums I have used together do not work as well as I had hoped as they smudged each other. I tried to add a new technique of masking tape into the work to see if it added any effects but it seems very subtle and not very noticeable in this. I have not used any techniques of Debbie Smyth but I have focused on using Guy Denning's use of lines into it to see how it turned out. I feel I could improve this by being more accurate with the lines and not using pastel and coffee together. This has helped me for ideas of a final piece because it has gave me ideas of what to use and what not to use in terms of mediums in this. I am unhappy with this piece, but it has helped me learn from my mistakes and create better pieces in my future experiments.

This piece I feel is somewhat successful because I have created a blended, smooth texture with pastels that contrast with the black, rough texture of a thread at the bottom. I have created a broken effect using graphite which I feel is effective and meaningful in my theme. I used Debbie Smyth's technique of thread in this piece which I think is a good choice because it creates rough, inaccurate lines which are effective in this piece. This could be improved by making the clock more circular and making the pastel section more in relation to the piece. This has helped me think of ideas of what sort of lines I want to create in my final piece, for example, the broken graphite effect. I think I am happy with this experiment due to it giving me ideas of what I can potentially use in my work.

This piece I find is more successful than the last. This is because I added the masking tape effect again but with a black pastel background. This for me created a bigger contrast that I found more effective. However I could improve it by making the masking tape effect smaller so more of the picture is seen. I could do this by folding the tape and increasing the scale. I can relate this work to my theme of time, where there is a clock in the background and the masking tape represents lost memories that have been wiped. I intend to stick with this theme. This has made me want to study more into fragmentation, and perhaps look for an artist who does so. I want to keep the technique of fragmentation into my work for my final piece. I am particularly proud of this piece, because it has given me ideas for my final piece.

In this experiment I used mixed media, as well as coffee, thread and ink. I feel like this was successful but it could be easily improved by using less black so you can see the image. I feel it is successful because it has use of different mediums and contrast from the different textures with the mixed media. I can relate my work to Guy Denning with the use of rushed lines and Debbie Smyth with the use of thread. However it is different by me using mixed media and different abstract shapes to complete it. I may use mixed media in some parts of my final piece due to this experiment. However I feel I will not use it all over the piece because I am not happy with how it has turned out.

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