Tuesday 17 January 2017


First, I took a large a1 piece of paper and ripped it into 2 medium parts, I ripped it for a less controlled effect and so it would represent being torn apart.

First, I made the first piece of paper using coffee, thread, charcoal, acrylic and collage. I blocked off areas of the paper using masking tape and painted over the paper with coffee for an old effect and with making tape I created a broken effect as if it was a variety of puzzle pieces. I added acrylic in the shape of a screw to relate to my research about how screws get older and rusted and become useless, like many things do. I added collages of clocks and old iron rusted objects behind a ripped part of the paper for the impression that they are inside the paper, and its outside had been torn apart. I also added thread as if its the only thing holding them together. I used a clock to represent time. I also added charcoal to contrast with the white paper that was blocked off with masking tape. The cracks represent that it is falling apart.

This time I ripped the 2nd piece of paper even further into 2 smaller pieces. Here I did some collage with different surfaces and also added more masking tape to block off paper from the coffee. I figured I liked the effect that coffee on masking tape had so I kept it for a less controlled effect. I added ink seeping up as if its slowly melting away as time passes, along with rough lines and scratchy lines in the acrylic to represent my artists Guy Denning and Zachary Brown. I added another small rip in the paper with another clock behind it for another symbol for time, and uses lines that represent stitches as a symbol that it has tried to be repaired but it is too broken to do so.

With the 2nd piece of paper I ripped, I used some more collage to relate to the patchiness of trying to be repaired and for a variety of textures in my piece. I also used white and brown pastel on black paper with white paper at parts for a contrasting effect. I also added acrylic as a way of representing stitches.

Finally, I added a canvas for a 3D effect and drew a clock with a broken clock hand onto it. I used canvas as a surface for the rough effect it gives with acrylic. I also began to stick pieces of paper previously done as a way of putting my piece together.

I connected the last piece of paper using tread for a broken effect, as if the piece of thread isn't the only thing keeping it from falling apart. I've made it a puzzle effect, being once whole, but now pieces are either missing or have fell apart due to time taking its toll. I added the pictures of a iron handle cut into pieces while sticking together with thread as another way to represent broken puzzle pieces.

Finally I added above the whole picture an image of a clock. I kept the outline whole with the exception for a few numbers to show that this was once a whole piece, that has been torn apart and broken due to time going on.
Overall I believe this piece was effect in the way I tried to convey broken and what happens to things as time passes, but I feel I could've improved it by refining the wool a bit more and making the clock shape more accurate.